Bob Atkinson

Bob Atkinson was born and raised in the district of Lochaber, in the Western Highlands of Scotland. At the age of seventeen the age-old curse of the Highlands — lack of work and opportunity — forced him to take the same military path taken by many of his forebears. While serving with the army in Northern Ireland he met his future wife, inspiration for at least one of the female characters in The Last Sunset. Bob now lives in Fort William

Contact Bob on Twitter @abrach1

Bob’s Books

 The Last Sunset (novel). A time travel Romance in paperback and eBook editions.

The Last Sunset : a novel of Romance and rebellion by Bob Atkinson.

The time is tomorrow, and the world ends under burning skies.

Nuclear Armageddon blasts through time itself, sucking in people as it goes, dumping them at a turning point in history.

The place… Fort William in the Scottish Highlands.

The year… 1746.

The Highlanders are in revolt, and the redcoats are coming…

Can history be changed? Or is the future doomed to witness… The Last Sunset?

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