Engines of Life: Tales of Evolution

Out now!

Paperback pp224 amazon.co.uk RRP£7.50 | amazon.com RRP $11.50

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A collection of novelettes and a novella by Andy West with the connecting theme that underlies almost all of his fiction: evolution.

Includes several prize-winning stories. Includes Empirical Purple, The Curator, Meme, Rescue Stories.


Engines of Life:

Tales of Evolution

Six piercing novellas and novelettes of philosophical science fiction, lovingly crafted by a prize-winning author to provoke and arouse.

A sentient anti-meme sends emails to fight its rival in Meme.

A stranded starship crew engineers the development of a primitive alien race in Rescue Stories.

Draw aside the social memeplex veils of man-made climate change in the controversial Truth.

Using hypnosis Professor Merrill probes the ‘proto-Sapiens’ language buried in us all. Yet mining the primitive words unlooses savagery, which kidnaps Merrill into grisly Ritual in Mano Mart.

Awaking with amnesia in a sealed, spooky museum, Guy Green seeks identity and escape. He finds a curious alien, a disgusting Curator, and an appalling future.

 Ofermynd meant only to examine the primitive creatures competing fiercely upon 7th century Earth, not reveal himself. Hearing God’s word, Emperor Heraclius declares Holy War in Empirical Purple.

“From the lazy notions of trans-humanists, the confirmation bias and strangling of free debate that corrupts climate change science, to the one, deep, language that unites us all, West takes unerring aim at his targets and channels his passion to deliver winning science fiction every time.”

Outstretched figure: image (c) Lonely – Shutterstock.com; abstract swirl (c) Emelyanov – Shutterstock.com


09 July 2013: Engines of Life is published today. See the launch press release here.

1 Response to Engines of Life: Tales of Evolution

  1. Pingback: Hard sci-fi comes to ePUB… with curves! | Greyhart Press

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