About Greyhart Press

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I welcome you to our site where you will find details about our professional-quality eBooks. We specialize in speculative fiction: science fiction, fantasy, horror, and other settings away from the banality of everyday modern life. At Greyhart Press we believe we are entering a new golden age for short speculative fiction, and so we champion short stories, and novelettes and novellas, as well as novels.

Read Review RepeatWe always offer a selection of eBooks for free. See our free e-books page for details. We are also running a promotion called READ… REVIEW… REPEAT! If you are quick enough, you could read all of our eBooks for free.

Take a short tour…


Our hectic lives are forever squeezed by the pressures we face. So if you can get twenty minutes to yourself, why not make the most of it by combining the convenience and choice of your eReader with the escapist thrills of a short story?


The Meandering Mayhem of Thogron Throatbiter Read about barbarian hordes rampaging across the galaxy over your latte. (For a fraction of the cost of that Danish pastry and without the calories).

FearworldLook nervously at the sky as you read about the invasion from a hell dimension while you wait for your bus.

The MIll If you want a book you can read through in one go, try our novelettes and novellas. For example, The Mill is a story of the siren call from a man’s dead wife. In paperback this novelette would be about 65 pages, so you could read this in bed one night (keep the light on, though!).

Last Man Through the GateNovellas are a little longer than novelettes but still shorter than a full novel. Last Man Through the Gate is a science fiction novella about time travel, isolation, and revelation. In paperback this would be about 90 pages. It crams a lot into a book you could read in one evening.

While we are big advocates for shorter-length stories, sometimes only a full-length novel will do. Have you ever wondered what the result would be if Hammer Horror employed Dan Brown to write a script and a novel of a new space opera horror featuring space vampires? Well, to be honest, you probably haven’t. But if we’ve got you thinking now, wonder no further because Paul Melhuish has already written a possible answer in his full-length novel, Terminus.


Browse through our list of science fiction, horror, and fantasy stories, or find Greyhart Press on amazon.com, amazon.co.uk , Barnes & Noble, Apple iTunes, Sony Readerstore, Kobo, Diesel e-books, or Smashwords (we’re coming soon to Android app stores too). We support Kindles and all the major eReader devices.

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Read our Real Story Manifesto to read about our philosophy. If you agree with us (or even if you don’t) why not leave a comment? We’d love to hear from you.

Thanks for calling by,

Tim C. Taylor – Publisher

4 Responses to About Greyhart Press

  1. Hi Tim, is there a good way to contact you to discuss distribution? I would like to let you know about our recently launched platform, Monkeybars.net. Thank you, Fergal

  2. 53bryanm says:

    Is anyone out there???

  3. We’re still here 😉

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